The Blood Club


About Us

The Blood Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping save lives and preventing heart disease through regular blood donation.

Blood Donation Facts

  • You can donate blood every 56 days 1
  • Donating one-pint of blood can save up to three lives 1
  • Donating blood can slow aging 2
  • Donating blood can reduce high blood pressure 3
  • Regular blood donors are up to 88% less likely than non-donors to suffer a heart attack or stroke 4
  • Donating blood can improve happiness 5

How You Can Help

Spread the Word!

Educate your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members about the need for, and health benefits of regular blood donation.

Start a Club!

Most blood banks will allow you to book group donation appointments. So get your friends and family together, or post flyers around the office and organize a drive. It’s a fun way to get together and spread some love.

Stay in Touch!

Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media. We want to hear about, and see photos of your Blood Club! As the movement grows, we hope to have T-shirts and other promotional materials available to help raise awareness about the safe, free, and lifesaving act of blood donation. Use the hashtag #ifyouwantbloodyougotit in your posts!


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